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Friday, June 10, 2011

It's a's a's Super Sharpe!

I don't know if you know this about me, but I'm kind of a super hero.  That happens to be a picture of me in my super hero costume.  The lady behind me is my sidekick who is snapping on my cape (all of the power is in the cape....don't let anyone fool you.)  I have the ability to move lightening fast, and leap off of tall buildings,  all the while landing on my feet (Years of ribbon dancing leaves you nimble with cat-like reflexes.  Think twice before you make fun of a little miss streamers.  The only difference between a ribbon dancer and a ninja is pastels.  We can be lethal.)  But I digress.... even though I have matrix-like capabilities, I do not however, have the one super hero skill that would make Super Sharpe that much more super.  Turning beans and rocks into money.  How amazing would that be?!?  Screw flying and invisibility.  I would be just like Scrooge McDuck from Ducktails, and swim around my room filled sky high with gold coins.  Then I would take a satchel full of said coins and buy my own jet pack and invisibility cloak (trust me, it's already been invented).  So the next time you see me zipping through the air because I'm wearing my amazing new jet pack, I hope you will exclaim in pure happiness, "It's a bird!  It's a plane!  No! It's Super Sharpe!  And she looks ah-mazing in lightening bolts!"  :)

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