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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The sky is falling

Again, I really don't have anything stellar to write about today, so I've decided to compile a list of random facts about moi. Enjoy.
*I hate mangos.  I think their texture is repulsive and they taste just like vom.
*Cilantro is a runner-up.  I have a friend who believes that cilantro is the devil, and I would have to concur with that.
*I have an obsession with painting my nails.  Shocker.
*I can be super DUPER anal retentive.  If something is out of place, I can't relax until it is exactly where it should be.  I'm pretty certain my husband likes to torture me by not lining up the t.v. remotes parallel.
*I like even numbers.  For example, if I want the volume turned up a notch on the t.v., it has to be changed to an even number.  If not, then the world will explode.
*My favorite number is 23.  It's the only odd number that I enjoy.
*I love animals, and think that anyone who is cruel to an animal deserves to be water boarded and then repeatedly slapped in the face with a large bass.
*I'm a bit obsessed with pinterest.  The category with the most "pins" is titled "Snoogle Poofs", which is all animals.  (Refer to the fun fact two spots above.)
*I have a paper mache rhino head hanging in my bedroom.  His name is Richard, but we call him Dick for short.
*There is a large painting of a cow that hangs in between my kitchen and dining room.  His name is Mr. Ahmoozing.
*I name inanimate objects.
* I can watch the movies The Sound of Music, Garden State, Steel Magnolias, and Stand By Me, over and over and over again, and never get sick of them.
*I once met Chumlee from Pawn Stars on a flight back from Vegas.  He smelled delightful, and he wore an itty bitty Versace backpack.  He looked like a hippo with a Tic Tac container strapped to his back.
*My dream job would be an Indy car racer.  Sometimes when I'm driving on the thruway, Leonard gets his manties in a knot because I drive too fast and get too close to other cars.  I just tell him that I'm drafting and it's all part of my tactic.  He then proceeds to proclaim that he will never drive with me ever again.
*I'd really love to be able to yodel.  Like a boss.
*I wish unicorns were real.
*I'm addicted to my Instagram app on my phone.  I know no one really cares about the sixty-seven photos of my dogs that I post a day, but deal with it.  Just wait until I have a human child.  It will be photos of Stan's first dump, "Early Bird" style.
*I hate moon roofs in cars.  I recently got a new set of wheels, and I specifically asked for a car without one.  Why?  Because when the screen is open and reveals the sky, I'm convinced that some rogue object from space will come hurtling through the moon roof and cause mass destruction.  That, or the sky will simply fall on my head.
There's more, but I already know that this is a lot to process.  I have to go straighten up the house.  One of the throw pillows is askew, and if I don't fix it the world will tip off its axis. :)

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