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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Words with friends...

...the real-life version.  I LOVE learning new words.  And I'm not talking about the ones that you'll find in the Webster's Dictionary.  I mean the ones that people ever so cleverly come up with on their own.  The list below is a list that was generated by brilliant minds.  Next to each word will have a definition, which will then be proceeded by it being used in a sentence.  I hope you enjoy these little diddy's, and find a way to include them into your own vocabulary. 
*Swass-Translation: sweaty a**.  He had swass from riding on his banana seat bicycle for too long.
*Swoobs-Translation: sweaty boobs.  She had a bad case of the swoobs because her bra didn't have enough support.
*Swassh-Translation: when you get mustache sweat because it's hotter than big-o-b's out there.  My swassh was uncontrollable as I rollerbladed  in my speed suit.
*Bowlette-Translation: a combination of a bowl cut and a mullet.  That man has the sweetest bowlette I've ever seen.
*Thees-Translation: when your knees and thighs become one and are indistinguishable.  Thanks to the water weight, my thees are ginormous.
*Boob loaf-Translation: the appearance your boobs make when squished into a sports bra.  Check out my big boob loaf.

Those are just a few.  Now if you can find an individual that has a bowlette with a bad case of the boob loaf, and they have a bit of a swassh situation going on, please take their picture and send it to me.  I will then iron that picture onto a tee-shirt, because that would be more glorious than a screen print howling wolf tee-shirt. 
Alright, I have to go to my Scrabble tournament.  It should be fairly stupendiful.  :) 

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