Today's post is going to focus on tattoos. You see, I've actually been grappling with the idea of getting one for quite some time now. If you've read any of my previous posts, then you already have an idea that once I get a thought stuck in my head, I'll usually think it through for many, many moons, and then actually go through with it. (*Reference I am an (oxy)moron) Despite my ramblings about wanting to get a rainbow-shooting badger on my back, that is carrying an eagle engulfed in flames in its' adorable little paws/talons, I really want something that is teeny tiny, and on my foot. It's a saying from my favorite book, and it carries a lot of meaning. Three simple words that would be a daily reminder that life is what it is, and you just have to keep on trucking. But I just need to know, how many of you have tattoos? Do you ever regret getting them? Is it true when they say that once you get one, you'll want to get many, many more? Should I just live up to my potential BAMF status and get head-to-toe ink of the Muppet Babies? I was just curious. Tis all. If you feel like sharing in the comments, then my deepest and most sincere gracias. If you would rather keep the fact that you have a scorpion tattooed on your rump a little secret, I can respect that. And as far as what those three little words are, well, you're just going to have to figure that one out on your own. It shouldn't be too hard. I tend to drop little nuggets of randomness about myself in each of my posts, so feel free to do a read through. And to save you some time, no, it doesn't have anything to do with unicorns. Happy solving! :)
*Oh! A mystery post! I'm like Nancy Drew and Ann Landers all rolled into one!
Ok, you already know I have tattoos. I don't regret any of them. And yes, one does lead to more. I think I'm good now after my five. My sister and my mother have both gotten multiples as well. Anyway, little side note since I know how your pain tolerance is, IT HURTS. Especially if you're going to get it on your foot. There is no fat or muscle there to absorb the pain. Good luck :)
ReplyDeleteI have one tattoo. I waited until I was 30 to get it so no, I don't regret it. Yes I do want more. I also have a recommendation. I would not go with teeny tiny. Especially if it is words. You won't be able to tell what it says.
ReplyDeleteBrooke-Awww!! Did you just tell me that my feet are skinny?!?!? You just made my day. And I know that I'm a big fat whiner, but I think I can handle it. I think it would be worth it. :)
ReplyDeleteShanon-I never even thought about it being too small so that it would be unreadable! Thank you for that! I really want it to be on a spot where it's not completely "in my face", easy enough to cover it up if the mood strikes, or show it off.