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Friday, August 12, 2011


...I've already brought that back, but I was thinking the other day about other things that should also make a comeback.  And here is my list:
*The Bolo Tie:  It's like the mullet of the neck tie world.  It's a party in the front, and yet it means business at the same time.  I'll take you even more serious if your big bolo is adorned with turquoise.
*Spurs: I know the West has already been won, but I feel that it is necessary to be able to hear people a'comin'.  *chingching-chingching* {insert western whistle here}
*Jellies: Popular in the 80's, and made a brief, but not quite the same comeback in the late 90's.  The way that I look at it, the Jelly shoe will help refine your ninja skills, because once those babies come into contact with any type of moisture, good luck trying to remain standing.  They turn into jet skis in the matter of 2.3 seconds, and you look like a nubile young doe trying to get your sea legs.
*Coolots: Only for the sole purpose that they are called "coolots".
Now, if you manage to pull off all of these pieces together at once, you will be my favorite person.  Ever.  If you throw in a crop top and an acid wash denim handbag, then *mind explosion*.  So there you have it folks.  But I gots ta go.  I have to figure out a way to attach my spurs to my jellies, so that they can act as an anchor.  If you hear a *chingching-chingching* followed by a large thud, it'll only be me.  Just be a doll and make sure my bolo tie isn't crooked and that I didn't forget to zip up my coolots. ;)

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