See, a while back I "confessed" to you some things about me, and while mulling that list over I have come to the realization that there is still lots more. LOTS more. So sit back and enjoy the extended ride into Crazytown....
1) I have never watched Top Gun in all of its entirety. I believe my response to the movie has always been, "That's the one with the planes and volleyball, right?" It is then always proceeded by the question of, "Do you think Tom Cruise has to shop for his jeans in the boys department, because that man is built like a lithe garden gnome, or something that you would find at the end of the rainbow protecting his stash of gold."
2) I didn't see Dirty Dancing until I was twenty-five, and even then I don't think I saw the whole thing through. But I do know that nobody, and I mean nobody puts Baby in a corner. My question is, why the hell would anybody name their child, "Baby", and why would you want to put someone in a corner?
3) I have never successfully slid all the way down a Slip-and-Slide. I think it had something to do with the fact that I was a "big boned" child, and I always came to a screeching halt when I was about half-way down the slide of terror. It was like trying to slide a boulder down a piece of plastic. Instead of being a sleek bullet, I always turned into a Slip-and-Slide dam.
4) As much as I pride myself on being a dancing gazelle, the fact of the matter is I tend to be a klutz. It used to be way worse when I was a kid, but my mother used to blame it on the fact that I had "weak ankles", aka-I was one tumble down the mountain away from wearing a leash.
5) I am severely allergic to cats, but that has never stopped me from petting one. Because I am an idiot.
Trust me, there's more, but alas I shall save it for another day. I hope you enjoyed this edition of "Kristina Yet Again Demonstrates Why She is a Weenie." Until next time my friends. :)
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