I hope you are singing the song now. Out loud. And proud. And I also hope you are shaking an imaginary polaroid picture around in your hand as you are singing the song. Lord knows I do each and every time. Even when I'm car dancing. I think people mostly think I'm swatting at killer bees or flies, but truth be told I am just jamming out to my imaginary boyfriend Andre 3000's sweet, sweet tune. Right now you are (hopefully) thinking to yourself, "Why the is she talking about this?", and then you smack your forehead because you then remember that this blog is dedicated to all things random. Specifically my random, pointless thoughts. Let me 'splain. The other day I was driving home from work and this particular song came on. And like always I sang it at the top of my lungs, and shook my pretend polaroid picture. And then it happened. I now knew what song I want played during my funeral. Can't you just imagine it? Me. Laying there decked out in my prom dress and tiara, surrounded by roses and lilacs (but not carnations. NEVER carnations. Right Brooke? 'Cause you know that I'll come back and haunt your a**), and all of my minions will be dancing around like fools, all the while shaking imaginary pictures. GLOR. I. OUS. Now I know that this is slightly morbid. Okay, it's super creepy and gross, but as God as my witness, this actual thought popped into the old learning nugget, and I thought, "Whomp. There it is." Before I always felt that a somber tune should be played (I always imagined something from the Titanic soundtrack, perhaps), and people should throw themselves on top of my casket while sobbing uncontrollably. And then I had my polaroid epiphany, and thought, "Nahhhh." I mean, if you rearrange the letters in "funeral" you get "real fun". *Ba-da-bump* People already associate the ridiculous with me, so why should it be any different when I kick the bucket and get ready to play the harp with angels, and bounce on a cloud?
So when I'm a hundred and twelve, and my Spanx are losing their elastic give, and my BINGO dabbers have run dry, I hope you all shake it. Sha-sha-shake it. Shake it like a polaroid picture, just for me. :)
I leave you with the all time greatest song in the world. IN. THE. WORLD.
Believe me, every time I see carnations, I think of you and how they will NOT be at your funeral :)