This is what Lenny and I tell our boys on a daily basis. And by "boys" I mean our two fur children, Bentley and Barkley. I have long ago imagined that if my two furry chicken nuggets were able to be gainfully employed, they would be working at the Home Depot. Why? Because they both would look adorable in orange smocks, that's why. And the "r" in Barkley's name would be written backwards. Before you (continue) to judge me and think I'm a total nutbag, I've decided to throw my husband under the crazy bus, right along with me. This is a conversation we had just the other night:
Me (to my boys): "Go get a job. I hear the Home Depot is hiring."
Barkley and Bentley's response: *Bentley continues to chase reflections gleaming from the Christmas tree lights, and Barkley brings me his bouncy ball, because they both are masters at changing the subject. They enjoy being given a free ride.*
Me (to Lenny): I think Barkley would work in the power tools section, and Teeny would work with the plants. What to you think?"
Lenny: *with a "are you kidding me?" stare: "Wrong. Barkley would work in the lumber section, and Teeny would obviously work with the paints. Obviously."
You thought his stare was going to indicate that my husband thought I was nuts, didn't you? Negative. He encourages this crazy like it's going out of style. :)
And I apologize for the delay in posting, but truth be told it's huntin' season around here, and I've been busy. Nooooo, I don't hunt. I just spend most of my evenings decked out in camouflage that I picked up on the clarence rack at Cabella's, and I hide behind trees and scare strangers. I will try to be more diligent in updating my posts more frequently, but it's hard work blending in with a pile of leaves, but somebody's got to do it.
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