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Thursday, October 6, 2011


First off, I want to apologize for being so neglectful of this hot mess of a blog.  The fact of the matter is, I've been incredibly busy tending to my Bonsai garden, and nursing a brood of honey badgers back to good health.  I'm a caregiver.  What can I say.
Now my faithful blogger friends, I have a favor to ask of you all.  You can consider it your way of thanking me for giving you life lessons on spandex underpants, and that a rat tail is best left brushed out.  I want you to think of interesting questions, for moi.  Think of it as a "Getting to know that big bag of crazy, Kristina, a little bit better."  I've already included the ole ball-and-chain in on this adventure, for he will be the one conducting the interview.  He's been given the task to come up with a list of *creative questions to ask me, and I extend the challenge to you.   Leave your questions in the comments, or facebook me (that sounds so douchey), or if you are on Twitter, you can even ask me there.  The key piece is creative.  If you ask me what my favorite color is, you grant me full permission to throw a large, heavy object at you while screaming, "LAME-O!!!!" at the top of my lungs.  But no pressure.
So come on.  Have some fun.  I promise it will be entertaining.  The more creative you are, the more ridiculous I will be.  So bring your A-game.
Well, Hank the badger needs help with his eye patch, and my Bonsais are getting out of control.  See keep tappin' that third eye, and happy questioning! :)
*I will not answer any "numbers" questions.  I.E.: How much do you weigh? (A buck twenty.  Glad we got that out of the way.)  How old are you?  370 months (I'm like Benjamin Button.)  What is the girth of your ponytail?  (Sensitive subject.  Sensitive.)

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