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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Let's play a quick game....
Sock is to shoe, as mitten is to hand.
Hat is to head, as belt is to pants.
And the last one, I shall see if you can figure out....
Hugs is to kisses, as limp sausage is to ______________________
If you guessed "bathtub" you are the winner winner chicken dinner.  Don't see the correlation?  Yeah.  Me neither.  But according to all of the "male enhancement" commercials, virility goes hand-in-hand with soaking in a bathtub in an outdoor scene, with your lady-friend lounging in a tub right next to you.  I just don't see the connection.  What does a trip to the land of Calgon have to do with a *ahem* limp appendage?  Is it a bath fizzer that puts a little "pep" in their "step"?  Are they supposed to play a water game that involves tug boats?  Is "Mr. Bubbles" code name for bath magic?  And I'm sorry, but there is nothing enticing about sitting in a bathtub in the middle of the outdoors, even if the feller next to me is pulling off a fine impression of Captain Stubing.  I just keep thinking about mosquitos swarming, and then the water getting chilly.  Are these people that have outdoor tubs-of-love that fancy that they have outdoor plumbing so they can keep pumping in the hot water?  And don't things prune when you're in the water too long?  So if someone can explain to me the connection between appendages that salute and a bathtub, I'm all ears.  For now, I have to get going because I have the sudden urge to catch up on old Love Boat reruns. :)

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