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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kentucky Fried Cruelty and Seal Sammies

I am a woman of many convictions.  No, I don't mean being thrown in the clink and having a wrap sheet, I mean the other type of convictions.  You know, sticking to my word and beliefs.  Just as I am random with many things in my life, it also applies to the things that I believe in with a deep seeded passion, and there is nothing that no one can do or say to sway the way I feel.  For those of you that know me, know that I love animals.  I every time there is an ASPCA commercial on t.v. I have to put the "mute" button on, and stare off into the distance, because those sad faces make me cry. Every. Single. Time.  I CANNOT stand the thought of any animal being mistreated and/or abused.  Makes me want to bust out the *Hulk Hands (*see previous post).  Now, my love for animals leads into some of my convictions.  And once I believe in something, good luck trying to change my mind.  Just a little FYI-sie, it won't happen.  One of these convictions is that I will never, ever eat Kentucky Fried Chicken. Ever.  Why, you might be wondering?  Well, let me paint you a little picture....I was a vegetarian for almost six years, and even though I am back to being a carnivore, I still hold a special place in my heart for animals.  So when I hear about an animal purposefully being mistreated, I stay away from those places and pump my fist in the air and figure out how I can make a change.  I will sign petitions, get other people to jump on the band wagon, and try to spread the word about these places that are simply preposterous.  One of those places happens to be KFC.  Now, don't let the charming fellow sporting a limp bow tie try to fool you.  The chicken distributors for KFC in the United States are notoriously known for torturing the chickens that they use that turn into the golden fried goodness in a bucket.  PeTA has been on the rampage against the business for years, trying to get them to change a way in which they slaughter their chickens that are used for consumption.  To date, chickens are said to have their beaks cut off and feathers plucked while they are still alive.  That's just plain gross and cruel.  Now, I'm not an idiot.  I know that the meat that I consume comes from a living, breathing creature (which makes me feel guilty any time I ever really think about it), but there is a humane way of doing things, and then there's that. So, even though the chicken bowls look scrumptious, I will never, ever eat KFC.
Another thing that I stick to my guns to, is not eating seafood that is exported from Canada during the winter months.  The reason why, is because during those winter months, many of the fishing companies in Canada club seals simply to earn money for their furs.  Another senseless, pointless, cruel act that is completely unnecessary.  The reason why I stay away from seafood imported from oh-Canada is because the profit earned from products sold, goes into the pockets of the companies that are killing seals.  If you don't buy their product, then you don't fill their pockets.  A simple way to hopefully impact their overall thinking of what they are doing.

I know today's post isn't funny, and I'm sure some of you are rolling your eyes over what I just "preached" about, but the fact is, what I stand for is in fact, a random fact about me.  And that's the point of this whole blog thing.  If I can't share about the randomness that is in fact me, then what's the point. I've attached some links that have more information about what I've just talked about.  If it tickles your fancy, check it out.  If it doesn't, well then take away from it what you will.  My question to you is, is there something that you strongly believe in?  If so, drop me a comment. :)
Visit: to learn more about KFC, to learn more about what you can do to put an end to the killing of seals,
and to help a furry friend :)

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