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Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm sorry.... WHAT did you just call me?!?!?

There are a few things in life that gets my blood boiling;  The mistreatment of people or animals, ignorance and small mindedness, Christina Aguilera, and when people call me "ma'am".  MA'AM.  REALLY??  You see, the problem probably lies in the fact that in my head I'm still twenty.  Twenty-two, tops, so when some kid calls me "ma'am", it's like a slap in the face.  A slap in the old, wrinkled, past my youth, face.  Automatically in my head I think, "Cripes.  How old do I look?!?", and then my next thought is how I would like to lunge across the counter and tell the youngster, "I'll show you "ma'am!"", and that I still have the dexterity and vibrancy of someone that is still considered a "miss".  My question is, when does the "ma'am" status become acceptable?  Late twenties?  Thirty and beyond?  How about, never.  I don't care if I need to invest in Oil of Olay wrinkle reducer, and the three grey hairs that I have are glistening in the sunlight, humor me and call me "miss".  Even "lady" would suffice.  So the next time you are in a store and you see a woman line driving the cashier, it's just me teaching the whipper snapper a lesson.  Ma'am.  Pppbbbtttt.  I'll show you ma'am.  :)

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